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Why Kira's Aunts Mean The World To Me

Writer: AdminAdmin

When I found out that Kira had two aunts, Mamie and Lynette, I wanted to cry tears of joy. I immediately texted my mom and my sister the news despite it being five in the morning, and I felt so happy.

American Girl has had its fair share of backlash for supporting the LGBT community in the past. In 2005, American Girl sold bracelets supporting Girls Inc, and they eventually retired after homophobic individuals boycotted American Girl because Girls Inc supported the LGBT community. In 2015, after a girl with two dads was featured in American Girl magazine, another AG boycott was organized. So it means the world to me that American Girl is taking a big step and representing lesbians- people like me- in their newest book series.

It's now 2021. It's only been legal for same-sex couples to marry for five years (and even less than that in Australia), yet LGBT people have existed forever. Like Mamie and Lynette, for example. They were in love even before Kira was born, yet their love couldn't be recognized and wasn't widely accepted until a few short years ago. But American Girl- and Erin Teagan, the author of Kira's books- decided to tell their story and show the world that the LGBT community exists, and I am beyond grateful.

So, thank you, American Girl. Thank you, Erin Teagan. Thank you for creating some more hard-to-find representation for us LGBT people. I will forever remember Kira as a doll with a groundbreaking story due to this, and I will cherish her forever.



Elle B
Elle B
Jan 05, 2021

@it's just me. Others have responded more eloquently...if you are worried more about these antiquated rules than equality and representation then it is time to change the rules!! It is 2021.

This is not a different viewpoint up for discussion such as tax rates. This is a reality of how people are born and loving and accepting them. This homeschooling mom will be proud to have the Kira collection in our house.


Jan 04, 2021

I am fairly new to the LGBT community but this is a great starting point for AG to expand the girls knowledge of the world around her! I am a Chirstian and believe that God made men and women to be together but he accepts and loves every single one of us, he created you special and unqie like no other person on this world!

DODO Studios
DODO Studios
Nov 04, 2024
Replying to

wut about non binary people


Lauren M.
Lauren M.
Jan 04, 2021

Oh my gosh!! Okay, I'm freaking out. I didn't know this. I have to tell my girlfriend, she'll be so excited.

YES. Representation is absolutely necessary to teach children that it is okay to be different from the social norm. As more people realize who they truly are, acceptance allows people to thrive.

Anyway have a fantastic day, whoever is reading this!!


Jan 03, 2021

This is a really great start for AG!


Jan 03, 2021

I am SO happy for some LGBTQ representation from AG. Family plays a huge role in each GOTY's story, and this is no different :)

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