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Summer Gets to Work and My Diary by Melody: Double Review/Rant

Out of all of the times where I sat down to read a brand new American Girl book, I have never felt the feeling I feel right now. I've always felt happy, elated, after reading. Like I was transported to the featured doll's world. Like I got to know them better. Some books, I will admit, I liked more than others, but no matter how I felt about the book, it always felt great reading them, because every time I read them, I was able to learn more about the dolls I love - my special interest.

You know how I felt today, after I read Summer Gets to Work? Empty.

There was at least one typo in this book. At least three or four illustrations were copy-and-pasted from the journal. Some of the storyline of the book was interrupted by exposition dumps about what happened in the journal, acting like we've never read it, but in reality, the journal is out for people who haven't bought the Summer doll to buy. But the biggest complaint is, as I was reading this, I felt like it was the same plotlines as the journal over and over again.

The big plot points of Summer Gets to Work was getting ready for another entrepreneur fair. Another cat adjusting to Summer's home. More sister drama. And the only plotline that wasn't a retread of the journal was the standard Girl of the Year best friend drama that happens with every doll, every year!

As the book went on, frustration started to pent up in my body. Not just because of the book's quality, but because of everything that has been going on with American Girl this last half-decade. Stores closing because it's cheaper for Mattel to sell items online. Catalogs becoming thinner because it's cheaper for Mattel to sell items online. Collections for character dolls becoming shafted, thin, because Mattel sees more money selling collaborations with known intellectual properties and $300 Swavorski-crystaled dolls. The building that American Girl was housed in since the 90s being shut down in favor of more Mattel corporate control. The ending of the Benefit Sale for charity, so Mattel could make more money. Laying off workers that had been at the company since Pleasant Rowland was CEO, so Mattel could have more control. Books becoming thinner, and thinner, and now, decidedly so, much more low effort than they used to be.

Then, I read Melody's diary. I will admit, since it's just a diary of a story I had already read years prior, I knew what to expect. But experiencing Melody's story again, even if it was in a different format, felt absolutely amazing. I haven't read Melody's books since they first released in 2016, but reading about Melody's real struggles, and her family, and all the conflict in her life, and the historical context, all over again, but with the knowledge of being almost 20 years old and knowing a lot more about our country's history - it felt like how reading an American Girl book should feel like.

Not frustration at a lack of quality and care. Not frustration at the state of the company. Magic.

I love American Girl, and I will always love American Girl. But Mattel's management of the company lately, ever since they shut down the American Girl headquarters and started managing it directly about 2-3 years ago, has felt like a slap in the face. When it had autonomy from Mattel, American Girl used to be magical. Effort was put into every doll and every story, the dolls felt like different worlds, the collections were so detailed, the books were rich with description and unique character arcs and a storytelling pedigree unheard of from any toy company. But now, with corporate greed being put over the quality Pleasant Rowland herself wanted from American Girl when she founded this company nearly 40 years ago, it's been hard to deal with as a fan.

It's been hard to see your favorite thing go from a thing with so much effort to a thing made just to make a quick buck.

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5 hours ago

Oh dear. I was hoping for more for Summer and her friend Daisy. Won't need to buy the book.

I will wait for Melody's Diary. Just realized this year that Melody was born the year before I was. I am entranced with her. 2016 was long ago. Wish I could find her outfits in my house?


11 hours ago

oh aint that a mood


15 hours ago

summer's story sounds so repetitive! since they reused illustrations they should've just reused/expanded the journal story like with the twins and kavi... i'll still get it to complete the collection (and i always love having a new book to read!) but i have a feeling i'll enjoy melody's a whole lot more! ;)


DODO Studios
DODO Studios
17 hours ago

that's sad that summer's story was a bust. I feel like it could have been caused by Mattel trying force and push out a story. Glad to hear that Melody's journal was great, I might save up for her soon!

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