Today, I read one of the new WellieWishers books, The Princesses and the Dragon.

The book is about the five WellieWishers meeting a pig named Pegeen (which throws the Pegeen being for Kavika Sharma theory out the window) and getting a new castle-themed playhouse from Aunt Miranda. They start to play pretend, pretending that they are princesses and they live in the castle, when a dragon named Crisella shows up and intimidate them. After trying to scare Crisella away, the girls befriend her and welcome her into their game.
I really liked this book! It was really cute and gave me nostalgia to when I was playing princesses at 6 years old like the WellieWishers. I know that the target audience of 4-7 year olds for the WellieWishers will love this book, because I know this would have been one of my favorite books if it was out when I was 6!
Have you read this book yet? If so, what did you think?
aw man! i was hoping Pegeen would be Kavika's pet, but this book is super cute!
I love the illustrations for these books they are so cute!
this looks cute as always! :)