American Girl just released 2 more items for Kira Bailey, their 2021 Girl of the Year!

The first item is Kira's Wildlife Care Outfit. This retails for $34.

The next item is Kira's Wallaby Care Set. This retails for $28.
What item do you prefer, the Wildlife Care Outfit or the Wallaby Care Set?
uhhhh not a fan of the doctor outfit, but I am in love with a bag and animal set
I would buy the outfit, if it did not include the stethoscope.
I like Kira's Wallaby Care Set more, though I can't say I am keen on either. Doesn't all the pink and that pattern look like a kid pretending to be a doctor with a plastic kit? No one would actually wear that in real life and its just so... ugh! Can't AG make cool stuff for Kira like Pleasant Company and old AG did for Molly and Kit? No no no- please.
seriesly!!!! $28 dollars for a small plush and a bottle???? thats crazy! and that outfit is just a big fat no for me
ooh cool! love the care set!