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My Newest American Girl Custom Doll...

I might have made an impulse purchase this morning, guys.

I haven't given any updates on the status of making my stopmotion Rebelle into a real movie in a hot minute, but basically, the producer I was talking to fell through - again - and I was back to square one, so I decided to write a novel in hopes of it becoming a movie that way. Well, after months of work, the novel is almost done, and I felt like since I'm done with it after years of writing, I figured I needed to do something to celebrate. I wasn't sure what to do - until now.

So last month, I watched a show called Arcane on Netflix. It's meant for teens and older, so I won't go too in-depth on the details, but it's basically about two sisters, Vi and Jinx, with shared trauma, on opposite sides of a brewing conflict between a utopian city and the slums that lie underneath. I really connected with the character of Jinx and how well she was written, so when I was thinking about what to do to celebrate Rebelle being almost done, it hit me: I haven't made a custom doll in a while. I'll make a Jinx doll!

To make Jinx, I bought a BeForever Samantha from 2014 on eBay as the base, which was being sold for $30, and a Truly Me 90 wig for her blue braided hair. I bought a off-brand black tank top and the Real Me pants that were the My American Girl meet outfit from 2010 to 2012 as well for her outfit, and when all was said and done, it came to about $70, which is significantly less than the $115 a Truly Me doll costs now!

But with this doll purchase, I gave myself a catch. I will not be turning the Samantha into Jinx UNTIL I finish the novel. I have six and a half chapters left, though, so I hope I can finish soon!

When I do make her, though, I'll make sure to document the process. It's been about five years since I made my last few customs, so I can't wait to get back to it and show you all the process!

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