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Kit Kittredge's Story: Doll of the Month May 2022

Here's a little bit about the story of Kit Kittredge, the Doll of the Month for May 2022!

Kit's story starts in the middle of the Great Depression in 1932. Like her wealthy friend Ruthie, Kit was lucky enough to not be affected financially by the Great Depression- until her father was laid off from his job at a car dealership. To make ends meet, Kit's family decides to turn their house into a boarding house, which changes Kit's life because she has to move her room to the attic and live with more people, including a classmate from school, Stirling. She helps her mom run the boarding house, her brother Charlie gets a job, and her father starts getting food from a food bank. Her adventures include putting on a Thanksgiving play at school, doing odd jobs for her mean rich Uncle Hendrick in order to make ends meet, having a "penny pincher" birthday party, hopping a freight train with a group of hobos and uses her reporting talent to get donations to soup kitchens.

In fourth grade about eight years ago, my school's library had the entire Kit central series, and I read it over and over! I was bullied really badly in fourth grade, but reading the books the library had comforted me during the tough time, including Kit's.

Sorry for not posting this yesterday- I was swarmed with homework! School's ending in a few weeks, though, so I won't have this problem soon!

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