There are two more Mondays left in May 2022, and Kit Kittredge, the Doll of the Month, has a huge collection. So I decided to split the collection post into two posts! This post will focus on her classic items from the book series, as well as a few more notable items from her movie release, and next week's will focus on her newer items from the 2010s.
Kit's first meet outfit was a pink cardigan and top set and a floral skirt.

Her first school outfit was this blue and white dress, which was retired in 2015.

Kit's Christmas dress was this red dress with a dog pin on it to represent her Uncle Hendrick's dog. It was retired in 2017.

Kit's birthday outfit was this green feed-sack dress, which was retired in 2015.

Kit's first summer outfit was this overalls set, which was retired in 2011.

Kit also had a winter coat, which was retired in 2013.

Kit's pet was a basset hound dog named Grace.

Kit had two pajama sets prior to BeForever. The first one was this beach ensemble inspired by sailors, which retired in 2011.

Kit had a second school outfit released in 2008 and retired in 2017.

Kit's desk set was released with her collection and retired in 2018.

Kit's second pajama set was her nightgown, which was released in 2008 and retired in 2015.

These were Kit's pre-BeForever meet aaccessories.

Kit's hobby is reporting, so she had her own reporter's dress. It released in 2009 and retired in 2015.

These accessories released and retired at the same time.

One of the most notable items from Kit's collection is her tree house set, which released in 2008 and retired in 2011.

Another notable item was Kit's homemade scooter, which released in 2006 and retired in 2018.

What is your favorite item from Kit's world?
Hey Sydney, I told my friend to sign up, she said she has to wait for you to approve.
It's quite a shame they cubed her collection-that stuff she has is cool
I like her first meet outfit the most!
i love her reporter's outfit and her desk! :D
I love Kit's first meet outfit, that's the one she came in when I got her as my first doll!