On Monday, February 24, American Girl's new product release will include Joss's Volkswagen Surf Bus! The item comes with tons of accessories, a working bus with sounds and lights, and is officially licensed by Volkswagen- which is most likely the cause of the $650 price, since Julie's Beetle was $350 and the generic AG RC car is $215. Here's all the pictures and details:

The bus is owned by Joss's big brother, Liam, who is 18. They enjoy going to the beach in it and relaxing between surf sessions with all the essentials they need!

The bus features working headlights, turn signals, windshield wipers and a radio. There's also horn sounds, ignition sounds and a button to press to hear a message 'from Joss'.

Other features of the bus include a storage bench that can fold into a bed, a pop-up stove and a fold-out table. In other words, this is pretty much the upgraded version of Lanie's camper from 2010!

The accessories in this set include:
Two graphic throw pillows
A sleep pillow
A blanket
A sleeping bag
A mattress for the fold-out bed
A rug
Two sticker sheets for decoration
Cooking supplies: pot, pan and tongs
Flower and vase
Laptop with reversible screens: one's a video editor, the other's for cheer registration
Five cheer and surf pictures
A map of surfing spots
A magazine about surfing
A plate, juice can, smoothie bottle, granola parfait, spoon, burrito, sandwich, pretzel bag, banana bunch, raspberry container, and popsicles
A surfboard and straps to attach it to the surf rack
A skateboard
A dog bowl for Murph
A first aid kit: bandage stickers, ointment, Ace bandage, ice pack, scissors, five gauze pads, pain reliever, peroxide, Surfer's Handbook
Video projector with fabric screen and image discs
A piece of chicken, fried egg, pancakes and bacon
A spatula
A cooler to hold all the food

Here's a better picture of all the food in the back of the bus!

As you can see, the back opens up to reveal storage compartments.

Last but not least, a better image of the driver's seat!
I can't wait to see this in person on Monday!
Umm, I think they have lost their minds. Anyone who is willing to pay $650 for a toy bus is absolutely insane. I am all for giving our kids toys and such but paying this amount of money is dumb.
i think its way to much
what do you think of her music video?
wowza! :o