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Is American Girl Bringing Back Kirsten?

For Kirsten's birthday yesterday, American Girl posted this on their Instagram story: a poll asking what Historical Characters they should bring back.

Do you think American Girl is bringing back Kirsten or any other retired dolls?

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Apple, and co.
Apple, and co.
Jun 10, 2022

I hope so!


Jun 10, 2022

I think Felicity is next because they mentioned her in a comment response on the same instagram post that teased Molly’s summer comeback a few months ago. Then a Felicity doll in her original rose garden gown was shown in the same reel that teased Molly’s comeback a few weeks before her rerelease date. There was no sign of Kirsten on any of the Molly rerelease teasers but based on this poll picture and poll date being Kirsten’s birthday, I think they are thinking of rereleasing her next after Felicity. Fingers crossed Felicity’s rerelease happens in 2022, I can’t wait for another year for the next historical rerelease!!


Jun 10, 2022

I think they will bring back Kirsten next, since they brought back Molly recently, and they had brought Samantha back a few years ago. So Kirsten is due a re-release. Plus I got her Anniversary edition last year and really need clothes for her 😜


Jun 09, 2022

I missed participating in the poll, but I wish that they would bring back Caroline, Marie-Grace and/or Cecile, or Kirsten. I wonder who they will bring back next if they rerelease another older doll!


Jun 09, 2022

I don’t think they’re gonna bring Kirsten back, at least not in the near future because it seems like too much for them after they just rereleased Molly. Maybe when they see the Molly rerelease is successful they’ll rerelease her. Personally, I want Marie-Grace to be released because of her face mold and how quickly she was retired. Having Cecile back with her would be cool too but I doubt they would do that.

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