With just one week left to go until Girl of the Year 2024 Lila Monetti's reveal, rumors are starting to circulate regarding the new doll's appearance. A new theory suggests that Lila will have wavy caramel hair, amber eyes, and the Josefina mold. I made a really bad photoshop of this combination, but the final doll will probably look way prettier!

ONE MORE WEEK! Who's excited?
I wish Lila would have jet black hair! Why is black hair not used by AG on lighter skin dolls?? The lighter skin dolls all seem to have brown hair or blonde hair, some red. Jet black hair would be awesome!!
I'm going to be so upset if the first Italian doll is blonde 😥 the original poster of these rumors even says it was a guess so hopefully they're wrong
Yay! I can’t wait😁😁💓
Kind of upset she's yet another Josefina mold, but I'm excited for everything else
I absolutely LOVE everything about this doll's rumored appearance and think she will look STUNNING <3. Even in this photoshop version, I can see it being adorable :) Looking forward to next week!