Due to everyone being home, American Girl has started an online library! Every week, a few e-books will be uploaded for free. This week's picks are The Spirit of Aloha, Nanea's first book, as well as A Smart Girl's Guide to Worry. There is also a teacher's guide to compliment the book.
You can go to americangirl.com/onlinelibrary to read them for free!

(This is not an April Fool's joke. April Fool's is cancelled this year.)
this is so awesome! :D
the link didn't work, but this one does: https://www.americangirl.com/shop/c/online%20library
Yay! I'm so excited to read them. Thanks American Girl. I didn't know free was part of your company's vocab, considering you're selling a 650 dollar van for a ten year old doll who can't drive for eight years. (And that's if she's human, she's a doll)