Kit's collection will return in just six days! To commemorate this, here's five fun facts about Kit:
Kit was the first American Girl doll to have freckles.
Kit was the first, and so far, only American Girl doll to have a movie released in theaters. The 2008 movie was called Kit Kittredge: An American Girl and starred Abigail Breslin as Kit.
Kit's best friend is named Ruthie and was sold as a doll from 2008 to 2014.
Kit was originally supposed to have longer, curly hair, but this was changed to make her the first character doll with short hair.
Kit was marketed as being from 1934 for quite some time, but Kit's stories actually begin in 1932 and her final story, Changes for Kit, takes place in the beginning of 1934.

Who else here loves Kit? Kit was my second American Girl doll, so I cannot wait for her return to the main AG lineup.
I'm so glad they decided to give her short hair. She was such a great option for a younger girl or a first American Girl doll. I bought Kit for my stepdaughter the same year that her mom bought her Caroline. A year later Caroline's hair was trashed, but Kit's still looked good. I absolutely plan on buying the new special edition Kit for my daughter (and maybe one for myself!).
Kit's collection is available on the website today only for Berry level members?!?!
I am happy for the girls to have a chance to have a Kit collection. I already own all of her previous outfits/accessories and furniture. But it will be nice to see her in the catalogs again!! I hope they do make something brand new for her soon. Kit is just special and I love her short hair!! I think she makes a wonderful first doll for girls - so easy to care for.
Do you have prototype photos of kit with longer hair? What are your sources? I'm not hating I'm genuinely curious.
kittle skittle is one of my favorites! i'm so excited to re-meet her next week! (and maybe get some outfits for my kit doll!) ;D