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Every American Girl Rumored Future Dolls (Girl of the Year 2023, New Historical)

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

If you know me, then you know that I always have to have my hands on the newest American Girl products to review with you guys, to collect, and to make the occasional AGSM with. In my head, I like to keep track of which dolls are coming so I can purchase them as soon as they release! Today, I figured that I'd make a list of every rumored upcoming doll so you can start saving up for the ones you'd like!

  • Claudie Wells, rumored 1920s historical doll

American Girl has been thinking about making a 1920s historical doll from the Harlem Renaissance since the early 90's, when Addy Walker was being conceptualized. When the name Claudie was trademarked, which was popularized in the 1920s, the rumors started flying that this would be the 1920s African-American Harlem Renaissance doll of our dreams. Her book is going to be written by a #1 New York Times bestselling author who's identity is currently unknown for a set release next month, on August 23, 2022. To read more about Claudie theories, click here!

It was confirmed by an American Girl employee on Reddit that there will be a new meet outfit for the Truly Me dolls debuting later this year in the fall release. While I was thinking of this post, i was thinking of something that has always happened when a new meet outfit released. For the last three meet outfit launches, three new regular Truly Me dolls have debuted with the outfit, all with varying looks. One of them is always a darker skinned doll with either the Sonali or Addy mold, another one has longer hair, and another one usually has blond hair. It doesn't seem like American Girl will buck tradition soon, so expect three new Truly Me dolls in the fall!

  • Kavika "Kavi" Sharma, rumored 2023 Girl of the Year

More information than usual can be inferred by just the trademarks of this name. Kavika will be the first South Asian Girl of the Year and the second in the American Girl lineup, after Sonali Matthews, the companion to Chrissa Maxwell, in 2009. Kavika means "girl of poetry" in Hindu, so it can also be inferred Kavika is into poetry. To read more theories about Kavika, click here!

  • Isabel and Nicki Hoffman, rumored contemporary "World By Us" characters

These girls are mostly unknown, but it seems like American Girl both wanted to keep the sister concept that they introduced with Corinne and Gwynn going for longer than 2-ish years. It is rumored by their last name that they are Jewish, so it seems like they might be a good fit for the World By Us line. Currently, the line highlights different ethnicities and cultures, but these trademarks, along with other trademarks, infers that the line will also highlight different religions. Isabel was also trademarked before Nicki, so it seems like Isabel will be the 18 inch doll and Nicki will be the WellieWisher.

  • Aracely, rumored "World By Us" doll

The name Aracely was trademarked in 2020 with the other World By Us dolls and recently, the trademark was extended. Aracely is a Spanish name, so it seems like she would be Latina, just like Maritza Ochoa. However, she will probably be of a different ethnicity and tell a different story than Maritza, so I am excited!

  • Fahari, rumored "World By Us" doll

The name Fahari is of Swahili origin and very common in the Muslim community. If Fahari is released and our theories are correct, Fahari will be American Girl's very first Muslim doll.

  • Trilby and Avey, unknown

These names are unknown, but they have been trademarked.

What doll are you most excited for, AGDN readers?

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Jan 24, 2023

Trilby and Avey both sound like they'd fit well within the Wellie Wishers age bracket. Maybe at least one of them is a new doll for that line?


Anyone else would like Kavika to have a wig like my Leilani's? In other words, Just Like You 82?


DODO Studios
DODO Studios
Aug 27, 2022

my brain thinks this for Tribly and Avey maybe they are extending wellie wishers or they are little sisters to the other rumored dolls or we have another rumored dolls or you know how Corrine has a baby brother named blix or something (i havent look at him in ages ) maybe they are baby twins


Hopefully someday they will release an Asian Indian or at least South Asian historical! I finished my fourteenth book which stars my own main character named Luciana which is set in 1986 Colombia. I have my own character named Sonali with a book set in 1893 India, which is over halfway done! If American Girl won't come up with a South Asian and/or Indian Historical, I will! But they're welcome to borrow from me. It may have happened at least three times. First, I put a wavy wig with some green on my Just Like You 71 doll Lapis and they come up with Just Like You 89 with a similar looking wig, whom I named Aqua; then I create…

Nov 16, 2022
Replying to

Well, the thing about it is, this is still AMERICAN GIRL. If the doll is to be in the Historical collection, she would have to live in the USA or have lived in the USA. The book wouldn't be set in India. They would also have to choose a teachable moment in history that goes behind the Historical character's heritage and culture, but a time period that says something about USA history in some way.

It seems easier for them to go with a contemporary Indian American character at this time due to the expense of doing intense research to find the right era in time that shaped American History while also finding a character that fits into that era.…


I'm leaning towards Nicki being the 14 Inch doll because there was already an 18 Inch doll with the name spelled the exact same way back in 2007 and Isabel will probably be the 18 Inch doll because her name is spelled differently from Isabelle back in 2014. And there was already a smaller doll named Isabel anyway with Girls of Many Lands anyway years ago. I didn't have my first American Girl doll at the time the Girls of Many Lands and Hopscotch Hill dolls were out as well as the History Mysteries, although I read all of the History Mysteries and some of them at least twice!

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