Gabriela is the Doll of the Week for this week!

Gabriela was released on January 1, 2017. She has the Sonali face mold, black hair, dark skin, and brown eyes. She came in a purple crop top, blue tank top, and denim leggings.
In her story, Gabriela uses poetry as a therapy tool for her stutter and learns to find her voice and be a leader.
Gabriela retired on December 31, 2018.
Love Gabi. i am a huge Gorman fan and, poetry and stutter? Oh, and black? Anyone see the pattern? Ag has learned to read the furture🤣
I think she is lovely.
Why did AG have to turn such a cute doll into the worst GOTY? 😔
collection- boring
story- could use some work
doll- reused
hobbies- also reused
but she still manages to be a queen
I know a lot of people don't like Gabby because she's recycled and her collection is boring. But I love her i'm looking forward to getting her from Costco for my B-day in September! I love her collection so much and IDC if she is recycled I love her and I love her book. I think she is such a pretty doll!!!