I honestly don't know when this came on the American Girl website, but the product SKU suggested it was fairly recently. I couldn't find it on the AG wiki either, so I'm going to treat this like it's a brand new thing!
This is a carrier for your dolls! It fits one doll and goes on your back.
While this isn't a good fit for me: I have way more than one doll and, more importantly, a weak back (even though I got surgery on my back, it isn't the strongest muscle in my body!), I'm sure you guys would enjoy it!
Interesting. I got the old one, which is pretty cute, and can fit 2 wellie wishers, but is a bit small
Yup, it's new. People were asking for a long time for a zip pouch inside for the little accessories. It's nice they've listened. I wanted to say that a good backpack can be better for bad back than any other type of bag, but I've looked it up and the "backpack part" doesn't look very sturdy. I would get one for traveling when I want to take photos, but the coloring is always too much "in your face" for me. I would love something more muted than that, but it's still a nice thing to have when you don't wanna scratch the vinyl.
I had just seen that on Instagram this evening; very cute!!
Someone also had a “new“ Truly Me or Street Chic doll on their story…have you heard anything about that? I hope it’s legit because I want it!!! 🤩
I've seen this carrier a few days back if I'm not mistaken. I'm surprised it's not on the AG wiki though!