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American Girl of the Year 2026 Raquel Reyes Theory

"Are you kidding me, Sydney? You just found out Raquel's name yesterday and you ALREADY have a theory about what she's like?"

Yes. Yes I do.

So, I have talked about before how every 5 years, the Girl of the Year is from an exotic location or goes to a foreign country. 2006 - Jess went to Belize. 2011 - Kanani is from Hawaii. 2016 - Lea goes to Brazil. 2021 - Kira goes to Australia.

This leaves 2026 as another travel doll... but WAIT! There's something more that can come with this!

Reyes is a Mexican last name, so it's likely that Raquel will be Mexican-American.

Guess what country is partially having the 2026 soccer World Cup? Mexico.

So here's the theory: either Raquel loves soccer, or she goes to Mexico for the World Cup while also loving soccer.

What do you guys think?

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Soccer is so popular right now I think it’d be a great idea and selling point for her!


I looked at the pending trademarks and noticed a new historical girl cameo that was trademarked in Jan. that looks like it could be for her. Is there any chance she could actually be a historical doll? Has there been any theories on who the cameo is for?


She may live in one of the US locations and have family in one of the Mexico host cities. Any overlap between US host cities for 2026, and states AG has never done yet??

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Those are interesting ideas! 😊


I think she might be going to mexico. I'm honestly hoping for another science girly like geology or marine biology mexico has really cool marine life

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A geology character would be nice. Or maybe someone into jewelry making 💎.


Totally plausible theory. I feel like she could be Maritza 2.0 if they give her the Joss mold and a soccer theme. She'd be really cute!

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Considering AG didn't really promote WBU, I actually wouldn't be mad if they made a Maritza 2.0!

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