It's that time of year again- American Girl has trademarked a full name at the beginning of the year. Meaning that this trademarked name is most likely next year's Girl of the Year.
The rumored name is: "Lila Monetti'.

Lila Monetti is an Italian name, meaning that our next Girl of the Year will most likely have Italian-American roots.
What do you think of the name? It honestly makes me think of a villain from Miraculous Ladybug, who is also named Lila, but I have eleven months to get used to the name and think of the doll when I hear the name "Lila" instead of that certain compulsive lying brat...
I’d like to make a suggestion for doll of the year- it’s not the most talked of issues that American girl puts out since it’s targeted audiences are for children but I think a good education such as Carissa on bullying would be on child abuse issues. Unfortunately it is a common problem. If children didn’t feel alone maybe stigma would not be so hard. If children understood what was happening to them was indeed criminal and not their fault no matter what. I think often kids who survive abuse were bullied into believing no one would believe them or they will get hurt if they tell. But if we could encourage children to speak up to a safe adu…
I think they should make a doll that absolutely loves horses and dogs but her family dosen't agree. Sorry, im a horse crazy girl too.
You could also have a doll who does cross country.That is a sport no one thinks about. Although, most girls 9-12 can’t do it (bc you can only do it 6th and older), I think it would still be an amazing addition to the AG collection. Not to pressure, these are just suggestions :)
You should make a doll from West Virginia. Honestly, it’s a forgotten state. Help the girls there not feel forgotten!!!
Hi my name is Mercy conteh I'm 11 yrs old this year my birthday is 2nd of January ill will like to be a girl of the becuse I've always wanted to be one since I was 4 yrs old pls read this
Kind regards, Mercy Conteh