Kaylee has provided AGDN with photos from the American Girl store in Houston, Texas today from the release event for Corinne Tan, the new Girl of the Year!
For fun, I bought Gwynn's skating outfit. I should have noticed from the pictures but did not. The color of Gwynn's tights is the same color as her skin. That is very important. My daughters are adopted from India. When my youngest was in dance, her teacher ordered "flesh" colored tights for a recital. So my daughter's legs would not have been the same color as her skin. The teacher wanted all the legs to be the same color. I objected. That would have dehumanized her. She danced with tights the same color as her skin. Good going American Girl. We celebrate inclusion even in the color of tights.
Thanks for sharing! Sydney, have you gone to see GOTY’s display in charlotte yet? Just wondering, i wonder how different the scenes very store to store
For fun, I bought Gwynn's skating outfit. I should have noticed from the pictures but did not. The color of Gwynn's tights is the same color as her skin. That is very important. My daughters are adopted from India. When my youngest was in dance, her teacher ordered "flesh" colored tights for a recital. So my daughter's legs would not have been the same color as her skin. The teacher wanted all the legs to be the same color. I objected. That would have dehumanized her. She danced with tights the same color as her skin. Good going American Girl. We celebrate inclusion even in the color of tights.
nice! :D
Thanks for sharing! Sydney, have you gone to see GOTY’s display in charlotte yet? Just wondering, i wonder how different the scenes very store to store
Thank you Kaylee! This is so cool!