In a first for American Girl, AG confirmed to me that Corinne's birthday is September 13, 2011. She has the same birthday as Kira, who was born on September 13, 2010. I think that's pretty cool!
Gwynn does not have a set birthday if anyone was wondering about her birthday. You guys can make up your own birthdays for your Gwynn dolls!
A fun post would be to list all the birthdays and have us figure out which birthday is closest to ours.
Aww! That’s the day after my daughter’s birthday! I had to be induced so I begged the doctors not to let her be born on 9/11 or Friday the 13th. I guess Friday the 13th wouldn’t have been so bad after all!
Omg I am only a few days older than her 4 days older than her
Its possible that that date (September 13) has some kind of significance to AG in someway OR they just choose that same date for no reason...
For those of you who don't know, Gwynn is seven. I don't know if we had any dolls who are seven before. I guessed it and I think it's awesome! So Gwynn must be born sometime in 2015!