I hope so too! It's weird they would release books 1 and 4 at the same time. I hope that means all six original books and items will be released over the next year. I'm hoping for a holiday themed book for Claudie will be in the mix as well since we already have the winter coat and Christmas items.
I think it would be kind of cool if AG released more for Addy, Kirsten, and Josefina with the seasons-- like the school collection in August/September exct
Oh yeah, that could be what they're doing! Birthday books are in spring, and it's spring right now! The next collections are most likely the summer ones! on the website pages for Kirsten, Addy, (and proably Josefina but I forgot) it was showing the six books. Except for the birthday and meet books, the lesson, suprise, summer, and changes books are 'currently not available'.
Makes me wonder if more outfits for Addy, Kirsten and Josefina will be released later since the dolls and outfits each come with books.
I heard kirsten is limited and not here to stay so sad.
my kirsten is on its way over night! 🥲 I am going to an AG store next week but didn't what to wait.
oooh nice! i love how julie is in the middle of the group pic! her time to shine along with the classics! ;D
I think it would be kind of cool if AG released more for Addy, Kirsten, and Josefina with the seasons-- like the school collection in August/September exct