Molly McIntire is returning to the American Girl lineup TOMORROW! @AGDollAndAGirl has posted what will be in her collection and the prices for the items on Instagram:

Doll- $115
Accessories- $36
School Outfit- $38
School Accessories- $42
Dog Bennett- $26
Birthday Outfit- $38
Birthday Accessories- $36
Camp Gowonagin Outfit- $40
Camp Gowonagin Acc- $36
YAY! I'm hoping to get her at the store for my birthday this fall.
This is great! I wonder why they released Molly again after the 35th anniversary release. I had a choice of any of the 35th Anniversary dolls. I almost chose Molly but decided on Samantha. I love Molly's collection.
So, are all the items re-releases of the original outfits/accessories? I was really hoping for newly designed outfits. I already have her school outfit/accessories (and desk) as well as the Camp Gowonagin stuff. I never liked her birthday outfit. What I really want is Emily (but without lined eyebrows)!
I'm so glad she's getting a collection again. I was worried it'd just be the doll like her anniversary release.