American Girl just published the summary of Lila Goes for Gold, which will be releasing on January 2, 2024!

"Lila’s going for Gold–the Gold level gymnastics team. She loves the new challenge, but her best friend and fellow gymnast, Katie, feels stressed by competition. For a dose of fun, the girls go to riding camp to see Lila’s favorite horse. But Katie’s reaction to riding isn’t what Lila expected. It seems like the two of them can’t agree on anything anymore. Back at the gym, Lila discovers that their favorite coach might be leaving! Can Lila make the Gold team without her? And will her friendship with Katie survive if she does?"
I'm honestly just happy Lila has a close birthday to my daugther's to the year included, she looks almost exactly like her, and the horse is adorable none of the less. not a gymnast fan much.
I really wish American Girl would give us some new concepts with GOTY. With older dolls becoming more accessible online, people no longer have a need for the same rehashed playsets. I could easily get a McKenna doll with the same stuff.
ooh nice! i hope the events of her journal will be in the first half of her book like kavi's! :D
This story sounds similar to Kira’s story of how she and her former best friend Laila had a falling out before Kira’s big adventure in Australia.
What I like best of all is that illustrations aren’t cartoonish. They are more realistic if not like American Girl illustrations in the pre beforever era. The girl of the years from Luciana to Kavi look unrealistic.
they brought mckenna back just to kill her off again😭😭