AGDN reader moorlandflower found an old American Girl History Lesson I did on Hopscotch Hill School dolls from 2018. Moorlandflower suggested that I'd do a post that I promised three years ago yet never did: a post about American Girl's Angelina Ballerina line! So, it's time to do a deep dive into this obscure doll line three years in the making!
I'm sure some of my older followers know about the Angelina Ballerina character. I remember she had her own book series and a show on PBS Kids, but I'm not sure if any of my younger followers know about Angelina Ballerina. Today we'll learn about her- and the surprising American Girl connection she has.
The Angelina Ballerina series started in 1983 and is about a fictional mouse, Angelina Jeanette Mouseling, who is training to become a ballerina. American Girl licensed the line in 2001 and started publishing the book series, as well as releasing small mouse dolls and other toys.

The 4 dolls released were Angelina, Angelina's friend Alice, brother Henry and baby sister Polly. Angelina and Alice came with books, Henry came with a "stage costume" and Polly came with a pram. Prices varied.
The line was sold to Target in 2004, and thus all the American Girl products retired.
Ironically, Mattel (AG's parent company) now owns Angelina Ballerina, as Hit Entertainment, the company that eventually bought the rights to Angelina Ballerina after Target, was purchased by Mattel in 2011. Hit was folded into Mattel Creations, the company behind the WellieWishers cartoon, in 2016.
Not much information is available on American Girl's Angelina Ballerina, but I still hope you enjoyed this post!
omg these were by AG??
Greetings all, I’m Katharine Holabird, the author of the Angelina Ballerina books. Thank you for the nice comments! I remember all the beautiful toys and merchandise AG created for Angelina - there was a lovely play house with furniture, and lots of imaginative clothing and accessories for the dolls. It was all magical, and I was very sad when AG was sold and their gorgeous Angelina world was discontinued. I hope it will come back someday🥰
2006-2010 kids remember this show! I loved this when I was like, 4-5. I believe it was on Netflix for a while. Do you guys know if it's still on Netflix?
I remember the show, but I had no idea that AG started her!
Omgosh!! I literally haven't thought about Angelina Ballerina in ages, but I loved her so much!