I personally love this doll so much. I bought her right away. I thought everything about her was beautiful. I love the Nanea face mold and the whole concept is just amazing. And the store display was awesome!!!!
She is gorgeous, just obscenely expensive. I know she has crystals on her, but I still wish she was less expensive. I did not think that so many people would buy a $200+ doll.
collectors will absolutely. I would be surprised if that many moms or kids do though. other than photographed celebrities who obviously have the money to.
I wonder what happened to the birth stones coming out and when? I don't understand why sapphire is holiday related, when they could just do two entirely different titles and dolls instead of confusing us with past rumors. (like if they continue to release more birth stone dolls, why then did they bother with holiday titles)
I agree. They should have made her a part of the birthstone line (if that is a true rumor). I feel like this doll has nothing to do with Christmas or at least winter!
she looks so beautiful! ♥♥♥♥
I personally love this doll so much. I bought her right away. I thought everything about her was beautiful. I love the Nanea face mold and the whole concept is just amazing. And the store display was awesome!!!!
She is gorgeous, just obscenely expensive. I know she has crystals on her, but I still wish she was less expensive. I did not think that so many people would buy a $200+ doll.
I wonder what happened to the birth stones coming out and when? I don't understand why sapphire is holiday related, when they could just do two entirely different titles and dolls instead of confusing us with past rumors. (like if they continue to release more birth stone dolls, why then did they bother with holiday titles)