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American Girl Book Updates: Claudie Paperback and Julie And The Blue Guitar Cover

We have a few American Girl book updates regarding books for historical characters!

  • Claudie's first book, which was only available separately in hardcover since her debut, will release in paperback on September 3, 2024.

  • Julie's original graphic novel, Julie and the Blue Guitar, releasing on September 10, 2024, now has a cover:

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while i'll always prefer the original style of the historical mysteries, the art of the new ones is honestly kinda cute!! gives off an anime style


When will the books be released? (I love books 😋)

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in the post it says september 3rd for claudie's and september 10th for julie's! :)


I really liked how Claudie's book was hardcover but just my opinion


Feb 12

Ugly covers! I totally hate the books that are coming with the dolls today. Hate the journal books. I really wish that AG would offer the dolls without the books. I am stuck with a lot of books that I have no idea what to do with. I have the books with nice covers from years ago but silly looking covers are not my thing.

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I fully agree with you, but please don't throw away the books! If you don't like them, you can always donate them to a children's center or a donation center! :)

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