Hello readers of American Girl Doll News! I'm Suzanne Yang, but you can call me Z. My human told me to take you guys on a tour of my town! Welcome to Leakville! Population: 101. (100 dolls, 1 human)

This is my home! It's so cool and it has a dining room, a play room, a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen! Me and all the other dolls live here- but obviously not all at once!

This is our dressing area, where our clothes are stored when we're not in them.

This is the Grand Hotel! It's super cool. Sara was sleeping in the bed, but she immediately woke up when she saw me taking pictures! (Sara is my Create Your Own doll.)

This is the Mars Habitat! It's used to simulate life on Mars. It seems so cool to be there!

This is the Recording Studio. Serenity is recording there now!

This is the Seaside Diner- Maryellen's pride and joy.

This is La Patisserie. I love getting French treats from there! Luciana also does ear piercings there, so it's double the fun.

This is the theater! The WellieWishers are practicing their performance right now. I didn't want to disturb them, but Ashlyn and Willa wanted a picture.

And this is Sydney's Wall of Green Nothing! She likes to film us on the Wall of Green Nothing. I think it's because she can change the background to anything she wants.
That's it! I know Sydney has more stuff, like Tenney's Stage and Lea's Fruit Stand, but that stuff is at her dad's house. Now, I'll let Sydney get on to the computer so she can tell you guys the standings for the Summer Movie Vote. Bye!
STANDINGS FOR SUMMER MOVIE VOTE: The Human fans are fierce- they took their lead back and are 13 votes ahead of April, which is only one vote ahead of Breakdance! Human fans, keep up the voting! April and Breakdance fans, don't just sit there and let Human win: VOTE! VOTE! (By the way, you can vote as many times as you want, plus sharing works, too!)