I haven't made a photostory since 2014, so I decided to try it again after feedback I got from the survey!

Maryellen: Hello! I’m Maryellen. Welcome to my diner! Well, it’s actually my mom’s. But I like to think it’s mine- I take it over while she’s at school!

Maryellen: This is the kitchen where I make everyone’s food.

And this is where all my happy customers eat! They aren’t here yet- wait a second, it’s opening time! I need to open the doors.

Maryellen: I just did! Oh, look, Hope and Gabriela are here!
Hope: Hi, Maryellen!
Gabriela: It’s a pleasure to be here!

Maryellen: What would you like to drink?
Hope: I’ll have a soda.
Gabriela: I’ll just have water.

Maryellen: Now I’m getting their drinks!

Maryellen: Here you go!
Gabriela: Thank you!
Hope: Your place has the best sodas.

Maryellen: Do you know what you would like to eat?
Gabriela: Yes! I’ll have a hamburger!
Hope: I’ll have a taco!
Maryellen: I’ll be right back as soon as I can with your food!

Maryellen: Some people see “flipping burgers” as a boring and unsuccessful job. But I like it- it’s funner than just sitting around on the computer all day!

Maryellen: Right now I’m stuffing the taco shell with meat and lots of cheese- I know Hope loves it like that!

Maryellen: All done with the food! Now to deliver it!

Maryellen: Here is your food!
Gabriela and Hope: Thank you!
Gabriela: This is the best place ever!
Hope: I agree!
Maryellen: Thanks!
Did you like this? Comment if I should make more.
STANDINGS FOR SUMMER MOVIE VOTE: Human is in the lead by a long shot- over half the vote so far! Good work, Human fans- keep on voting and get your friends to vote too! April: An American Girl Story and Breakdance fans, you'll have to do A LOT for your favorite to win. Spread the word!