@agdollflorida on Instagram found a picture of Felicity's doll in box. I am happy to report to you guys that it looks like she will have the old box! Hooray!

SOURCE- https://www.instagram.com/p/BPNVKyoj4_D/?taken-by=agdollflorida
So it looks like the TaoBao photos are real! She slays, but I wish she had the old Felicity eyes. Because I already have her, I hope they sell her meet separately!
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Felicity has had the most meet outfits.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: Do you have a Felicity? If so, what meet did she come in? If not, what meet did your Truly Me come in?
MY ANSWER: I got Felicity for free from a friend, so all she came in was her shift.