I'm super proud of myself! I deleted the last post, but I found the link to Tenney and Felicity '17 without the watermark! Photo credit goes to Allison Baby toy store Beijing shop 2 shop on TaoBao.
This is the 2017 Felicity doll:

Link (warning- nakid dollies!): http://gw.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/2919803319/TB2C68cXbFkpuFjy1XcXXclapXa_!!2919803319.jpg_450x10000q50s150.jpg_.webp
This is Tenney:

Link (warning- nakid dollies!): http://gw.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/2919803319/TB2BYNcXbXlpuFjy1zbXXb_qpXa_!!2919803319.jpg_450x10000q50s150.jpg_.webp
Here is her hair:

AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Felicity's old lazer green eyes only have #19 as a current recipent.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: Old Felicity or New Felicity?
MY ANSWER: Old Felicity, because of her eyes.