American Girl is having a back to school sale online (for the US and Canada only) and in the stores (with the exception of Canada and Mexico)! Select items will be discounted up to 20 percent off until August 15, 2016. I'm so happy about this sale because I'm going to the Atlanta store for the first time tomorrow! OK, without further ado, here are the items that are on discount!
These are the Truly Me items that are on sale.

The School Locker set, which released in 2013, is $46 in this sale. It is usually $58, which is a $12 discount.

The Flip-Top Desk, which released in 2015, is $46 in this sale. It is usually $58, which is a $12 discount.

The Sports Storage Bench, which released in 2015, is $38 in this sale. It is usually $48, which is a $10 discount.

The Classroom Scene, which released in 2013, is $9 in this sale. It is usually $12, which is a $3 discount.

The Hot Lunch Set, which released in 2015, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.

The Science Fair Set, which released in 2015, is $25 in this sale. It is usually $32, which is a $7 discount.

The Allergy-Free Lunch, which released in 2012, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.

The Recess Ready Outfit, which released in 2015, is $24 in this sale. It is usually $30, which is a $6 discount.

The Cool Coral Outfit, which released in 2015, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.

The Shimmer Doodle Outfit, which released in 2015, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.

The Sparkle Sweater Outfit, which released in 2015, is $24 in this sale. It is usually $30, which is a $6 discount.

The Sparkly Jazz Outfit, which released in 2015, is $27 in this sale. It is usually $34, which is a $7 discount.

The Spirit Squad Outfit, which released in 2016, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.

The Soccer Team Outfit, which released in 2015, is $30 in this sale. It is usually $38, which is a $8 discount.

The Healthy Smile Set, which released in 2010, is $11 in this sale. It is usually $14, which is a $3 discount.

The Violin Set, which released in 1996, is $27 in this sale. It is usually $34, which is a $7 discount.

The Flute Set, which released in 1999, is $27 in this sale. It is usually $34, which is a $7 discount.

The Guitar Set, which released in 2006, is $27 in this sale. It is usually $34, which is a $7 discount.

The Mod Monster Costume, which released in 2015, is $27 in this sale. It is usually $34, which is a $7 discount.
These are the BeForever sets that are included in the sale.

Kit's Reporter Set, which released in 2014, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.

Kit's Reporter Set, which released in 2009, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.

Kit's Dog, Grace, which released in 2001, is $17 in this sale. It is usually $22, which is a $4 discount.

Kit's School Supplies, which released in 2000, is $24 in this sale. It is usually $30, which is a $6 discount.

Kit's School Lunch, which released in 2000, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.

Kit's School Skirt Set, which released in 2008, is $28 in this sale. It is usually $36. which is a $8 discount.

Addy's School Outfit, which released in 2014, is $27 in this sale. It is usually $34, which is a discount of $7.

Maryellen's School Outfit, which released in 2015, is $25 in this sale. It is usually $32, which is a $6 discount.

Julie's School Lunchbox, which released in 2007, is $22 in this sale. It is usually $28, which is a $6 discount.
So, that's it! Well, there's some glasses, stand-alone shoes, a tee shirt for girls and some books, but as much as I love reading and stuff for me, this blog's for the dolls. And the important stuff.
If you made it to the end of this post, a cookie for you!
Will you buy anything from the sale?