I’m planning on getting a new Truly Me doll online, and I want to get a doll that will be unique in my collection. I have Joss, Kit, and 57. What dolls that are still on the AG website would you suggest?
my vote goes to 84/54 (both versions of Lily and Ivy lol) and Nanea!
Here's a list (lol)
I would say 84 she's really pretty, i just got her on the 11th of March.
A CYO Maybe?
Thats pretty much all for now :P
I might not get a doll now and wait for the Summer though, there’s some other things I’ve been wanting to get recently also.
If it’s no longer backordered before I decide which doll I want, I might get my dream cyo doll!
id say 81 or 87
Thank you for the suggestions! I’ve been thinking about getting 67 or 84, but I might get Nanea even though I kind of want to get a truly me.
You should get truly me number 55 or 24