YAHOO! Stacey or Lily is going to be annouced Tuesday! I still need your guys's help on that too! I'm also going to ask some of my friends from school's opinions! There are still only 2 people who voted Stacey or Lily! So plese vote now!I also jsut wanted to tell you guys on Sunday I have to go to school early for a 2-night feild trip(I'm not allowed to say where i'm going,sorry,and yes I'm going to school on a Sunday). So,while I'm gone be sure to vote! BTW if you guys would like to know who is winning Stacey is winning by 1 point! Love you guys!
Hi,Maelyn yeah it wasn't bad going to school on a Sunday! I actully need 1 more vote because Stacey and Lily are now tied:)
School, on a Sunday. Boo. Well at least it isn't school school, just a field trip. I hope Stacey wins!