Shout out to @Excuse me, coming thru to answering my question in my last post. I was thinking about getting a Truly Me doll instead of getting Maryellen, but I just looked over the ones that you can still buy, and decided I would just get Maryellen. She's one of my favorite historical characters. But, there is also Nicki and Isabell to take into factor, because I want to get Nicki also. So we'll have to see if I can convince my parents to take me to the AG store on the 22nd of Feburary and see what happens. Cross your fingers! Whichever doll I get will be used as my other model. That would make three models, which would be plenty for me to use. Speaking of which, I'm going to be making a jumper for one of PrincessAdorb's friends. I just need to find the non boredom to make it. And I'm going to be showing my commissioner from a couple weeks ago her options on Wednesday. School is getting meh, and weekends seem so long, then I feel like even though I haven't done school for only two and a half days, I feel like it was for a whole summer. So it makes life seem meh. And I'm also in a posting runt. Maybe I just need some time away from my computer? I think I'll try that. No computer for a whole day. I won't be posting tomorrow. Thanks for reading, Bye! 😀
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