Yesterday I got to go to AG! I bought Tenney's Spotlight Outfit (review, but that's not what this short story is about. Let me explain.
I had gotten A LOT of gift cards for Christmas, about 1/2 AG. I counted and it was $110!! Wow! My little sister and I could buy new dolls! She settled for #21 and I really wanted #55. We went for my birthday, I was super excited. My sister rushed to get #21, while I looked at the doll case. Then, I saw it. The sign above the mini paper said, "Out of Stock". I panicked in my head but luckily, I had two more dolls on my list: 24 and 69. When we were over at the pjs section, I noticed 24 and she was SO pretty! Just as I was about to say I was going to get her, my sister said, "Actually, I want 24!" NO! She raced to get 24 and I said I was going to buy her. She said we could get the same doll, but I didn't want to. 69 just didn't look that appealing anymore. I put 69 and 24 in the bag, and we went to checkout. My mom said she could ask if we could order #55, and I said "YES!" So we bought her there and she will get shipped to me. One reason I kept longing for 55 was that she was on display, like EVERYWHERE, and she was so pretty! I named her Lila, and she will be coming in about 1 week. I will DEFINITILY post pictures!
I hope you enjoyed my mini story! Oh, my sister did get #24 and named her Lucy. Here are some bonus pictures of Tenney's spotlight outfit: (sorry for the bad quality)

I loved the boots and shirt best, the skirt was tight and hard to put on. I definitly reccomend this outfit!
Congrats on the new dolls!
Congrats on your new dolls! I'm sorry 21 was out of stock, she's a real pretty doll. I have her, but she's at my dad's house so I don't get to see her as often. Divorces affect everything, even dolls.
Thanks,Arabella! Lila is so pretty!
XD here's a pic:
I say you should buy whoever you want. I really like Luciana, so I would probably buy her, since I just bought a tm too, but whichever one you really want. Or, do you have more GoTYs than TMs? Then buy a tm, if you have more truly me's, then buy goty. But it's really your choice!
I love reading this story over and over again;)
Hi,Arabella! I'm so happy you got the doll you wanted! Lila is such a beautiful name! I hope you had a Merry Christmas abd a Happy NewYear!;)
I either want Luciana Vega or a Truly Me! I'm ot sure yet! I hope you are having a terrific day!