I am saving up for a new doll, but I do not know which one I should pick, 55 or 69? Both are pretty, but I can't decide!
Totally get #55!!!!! (Have you checked out my profile picture?? XD ^^)
Yes I have decided I'll buy Truly Me 55, except if I get her for Christmas maybe I'll get 69 (non identical twins) or a totally different doll.
I have #55 and she is CUTE. #69 is too, but the freckles!!! I would say #55.
I love both but I would say 55 because 69 is a new Truly Me so you still have another chance of getting her:)
If it were me I'd definitely choose Truly Me #55. I'm just a sucker for freckles!
That's a hard choice. I really love both! I'lle try to think about it