Who is ready to find out what books I got at Sam's Club yesterday after my soccer game? There were only two people who guessed, and sadly, they were wrong.
And now, time for the reveal! So most everyone knows that a new movie is being released soon by Disney. Most recently was "Peter Pan and Wendy," but there is another live action movie being released soon.
The movie is "The Little Mermaid". The new movie is a live action version. And I got two books based on the movie!!!! I got the junior novelization and a prequel! I'm posting pictures below.

The prequel is called "Against the Tide" and is really good. The novelization is ,of course, a pretty good idea of how the movie is going to be, WITH eight full color pages with shots of the movie!
As you can see, Ariel in the live action has had some pretty interesting changes.
For one thing, she now has brown skin and auburn locs, as she says on Pg. 4 of "Against the Tide". Her tail is also more flowy, instead of in a decided fin shape, as shown in the picture below.

Instead of having three outfits (the dress she wore to town, the pink dress, and her pink nightgown) while on land like in the animated film, Ariel only has two. An ugly brown dress made of sandcloth, and a pretty blue dress, with which she wears a coral-pink headscarf.
The prequel literally has nothing to do with the novelization except for how Ariel met Flounder, the little fish near Ariel's tail, and it tells us her sister's names and personalities.
Now I'll post more pictures of the books below. Tell me which is your favorite.

This is the prequel's front without the cover.

This is the side.
These next few are the pictures in the middle of the book from the movie.

Sorry they are so hard to see, I'm not good at taking pictures.

In the top left corner of this one, it shows Ariel's brown dress. Sorry you can't see it. In the full page picture on the right, you can see the blue dress and headscarf.

You can see a bit better with this one, it's when Eric and Ariel are bonding.

The full page one is from after they have explored town and are hiding from the Queen and Grimbsy.

The girl in the top left corner is Ursala in disguise as Vanessa. (I checked the spelling.)
So those are the illustrations from the movie. Tell me in comments which is your favorite. And also, if you want to get these books, run to Sam's Club and you can buy them there for not that much.
Thanks for Reading, Bye! 😀
Wow, that is amazing! I find it intriguing that slope the text matches the live-action movie! I know of no other Live Action movies with books. The book is lovely! A terrific find!
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Oh my goodness that is so cool!! It's really interesting that they have a book that's EXACTLY like the live action movie! (Because no other Live Action movies have books based off of them that I know of). The book looks so pretty too! What a great find!