Our Oregon Aunt has been visiting, and today she took KittyFan and PrincessAdorbs to the theater to see the live-action "Little Mermaid". Then they took Oregon Aunt to the airport. I stayed home and chilled. Before they had left for the theater, Oregon Aunt gave PrincessAdorbs a new doll, a ML (My Life) doll. I took some photos to show you what the doll looks like. The doll's name is Raegan, and expect to see her in future photoshoots. So, enjoy!

This is Reagan in her full outfit and glory. Her outfit reminds me a bit about the World Traveler in Peru outfit. (Sorry the photos are blurry. I didn't have time to ask for my mom's phone because we were going to eat dinner).

This is pretty much the same as the last photo, except I took off the hat.

Same thing, I just took off the purse and the hat.

This last one just shows the hat and the purse.
Now I'm going to do a comparison of the World Traveler and Raegen.

So you can see the similarities between the two outfits. Both the hats have pom-poms, both the dresses are pretty short, and the outfits are in a similar style. So tell me in comments what you think about both outfits.
Thanks for Reading, Bye! 😀
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