Happy new year to you too! I havee 4 dolls: Addy Walker Blaire Wilson, Marie-Grace Gardener, & And Amery Adams (Truly me 52) I haven't read any yet but I can't wait to read them. I haven't gotten any thing from her collection but I probably will shortly.
I am so excited to get the joss touch the sky book.
I already have half of her collection!
Happy new year to you too! I havee 4 dolls: Addy Walker Blaire Wilson, Marie-Grace Gardener, & And Amery Adams (Truly me 52) I haven't read any yet but I can't wait to read them. I haven't gotten any thing from her collection but I probably will shortly.
I love Joss so much! I can't wait to get more of her collection! I dressed her up for her Rebelle scenes today and I CAN'T WAIT TO FILM WITH HER WHOOP