So, I loved the Tenney doll when she leaked, but the more I heard about her story, the more I didn't like her. I just finished reading her first, second, and I'm almost (more than halfway) through her third book. To say the least, I hate her personality, and I don't like Kellen Hertz's writing style. It was a cheap book; she messed up on almost everything, and she still got everything she wanted! (and more!) I think she's a stuck-up snob, and she loses her temper CONSTANTLY!! (I actually felt BAD for Logan! :O ) And I have to say, my favorite character from the book, was probably Holliday.I have NO idea why! She's funny... So, I hope I didn't offend anyone, these are just MY thoughts and opinions, and yours might be different.
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I usually watch them to learn something new and then play for fun; if you're looking for a good knockout game, you should give it a shot. Make the boys think they're smarter than you do.