Most of the time, we don't give much thought to past Girls of the Year, but I wanted to take this time to recognize them. Lanie, the Girl of the Year 2010 was my first doll, so I have a special connection with her. Also, her story inspired me to respect nature more. I just made an AGPS of her outside, and will upload it to my YouTube soon!
Who was your first GOTY, and how did she inspire you?
My first GOTY was Luciana, but my oldest GOTY is Mia
My first GotY was...hmmm, year-wise, Lanie (new info on dat), and recieving time-wise, Miss Joss of 2020!
I always do that for my followers :)
I am Getting my first goty this year Joss kendrick!
My first GotY was Grace Thomas. I think because of her I became more interested in Paris and started to bake a little bit.
I agree with you we should start thinking more about the past GOTYs because some people don't really pay attention to them anymore:(
My first GOTY was Kanani. She inspires me to try new things and make others feel welcome when they join in to school.
Jess was GotY when I first got into AG, but my first GotY doll was Nicki. I love that she clearly has social anxiety like me and learns to overcome her fear of disappointing people. Also I love dogs so that works too
Thanks for liking my comment-Clarkie
My first GOTY was Gabrela McBride, she inspires me to write poems. I got her for my birthday this year.
My first GOTY was Lea Clark and she ispired me because she is so brave and I love her movie. One of my biggest dreams is to meet Maggie Elizabeth Jones, the girl who play Lea.