So like, hey GOTY Girls! I have a few Kira Bailey hopes for you guys that I thought I would share!
-I want Kira to be Asian/Japeneese. Reasoning: I dunno, I think it would
be cool and preeeeettttyyy epic. Considering it’s an Asian name.
-I don’t want Kira to be a “basic GOTY”. UReasoning: If we have another dancer/gymnast, AG has let their special 35th bday doll down!! Although I love the other dancer and gymnast dolls, it just doesn’t feel right for another one.
- Someone recommended if she could come in a kimono (pink and white; to be specific)
-Another recommendation is what if she could be into kawaii or something like that?! (I personally would enjoy if she's into art
-Guys what if she’s a manga artist
- GLASSES. Dear goodness. We need glasses. But not like “pink blue“ Glasses, realistic ones that an eye doctor would actually sell.
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