Guess what? I’m getting Kira!! I have no idea when I’ll get her, but I know I am. Her full name is Kira Elita Vega. She’ll be 13, and Sofia‘s sister. She will love Koalas, YouTube, traveling, and saving animals. Her bffs will be her sis, Sofia, and Ashtyn. She won’t get along with Daniela for Reasons currently undecided. :)
Kira’s Not the unique-est doll, I just want Sofia to have a sister, plus, SHE’S SO CUTE. But Alexis, oh my gosh, I might just make a CYO of her...
Are you going to get Kira?
I’m planning on getting Kira later if I don’t win da giveaway which is very likely I LOVE KIRAYOUR SO LUCKY
Wow you're lucky!
Yeah. 😪 I have to admit I do too. She just kind of blends in. Nothing new or special. You’d think they could be more creative. I was like 😶 when I saw her
I love her friend more than Kira herself... o_O
Does this mean you're staying on AGDN?