Does anyone have an opinion about the new GOTY, Kira? I just got her, and she's very pretty. However, she's not extremely unique, and her story feels kind of forced.
um... unpopular opinion (@Briana_Jasmine_16 might kill me for this), but I don't like her much... she's... basic? *Bri pushes me off a cliff*
I love that her aunts are lesbian, KOALASSSSSS, she kind of comes off as a know-it-all in her stop motion, I like that it's informing younger girls who might not have known about the fires
highlight of everything, best part of her collection, best everything.
um... unpopular opinion (@Briana_Jasmine_16 might kill me for this), but I don't like her much... she's... basic? *Bri pushes me off a cliff*
I love that her aunts are lesbian, KOALASSSSSS, she kind of comes off as a know-it-all in her stop motion, I like that it's informing younger girls who might not have known about the fires
highlight of everything, best part of her collection, best everything.
outfits- eh, kinda don't go together
stuff- um... overpriced, look plastic-y
animals- YES. JUST YES.
final takeaway- ALEXIS. KOALA