My Favorite doll is probably McKenna Brooks 2012 GOTY I have always loved everything about her. Her books are probably my favorite of the AG books. I've watched her movie about 7 times and her doll is just. The cutest! So yeah not probably. Definitely.
My favorite AG... that's so hard, but it's probably Nanea at this point. I always loved her story, and I've been spending every day with her for the past three months so I've been falling in love... she's awesome!
I love joss 💕
thank u @Abbi'sAG @Sydney @mynameisrebeccatoo @SparkleShines AG! You All rock
My Favorite doll is probably McKenna Brooks 2012 GOTY I have always loved everything about her. Her books are probably my favorite of the AG books. I've watched her movie about 7 times and her doll is just. The cutest! So yeah not probably. Definitely.
Good luck everyone!
My favorite AG... that's so hard, but it's probably Nanea at this point. I always loved her story, and I've been spending every day with her for the past three months so I've been falling in love... she's awesome!
My favourite is gonna have to be truly me 58
Here Is me opening her! I love her sosososososososososso much and I TOTALLY RECOMMEND HER! Hope I winnnn