(No offense @CapeCardamDolls )
look at this

I think this OOAK is um, interesting? It’s selling for 200 buckaroos on eBay .
everything that is *cough cough* interesting about this doll
1: the hair. It’s black, and then strawberry blonde?
2: she looks um, like a, 50 year old lady with a heavy coat of makeup on.
3: she’s naked? If I was selling a doll, I would at least put some clothes on her.
Hejda! Sarah
@AGgymnast you said what I would say! She’s...unique, to put it nicely
Not my type of doll, but I can see why some people would like her! And the hair is cool, but it would look better on a Barbie.
Well I mean I'm not trying to cause drama or anything but is a custom ad for me I wouldn't say its ugly but its just different. Some people DO collect these type of dolls . And the thing with customs / ooak is that people take time into them so 200 dollars I think its worth it(?) and sure she does look like she had a lot of make up on but its kind of how the owner wanted to be and some people like these types of dolls for example click here its not ALOT but I think its a really cool type of style with ag and they might not be a professional but they still took ALOT of time and thought into it :)