Okay, I'm aware we've already had threads about Isabel vs. Nicki, but what about when it comes to the Y2K bug? When it was coming, how did you feel (or, if you weren't born yet, how do you think you would've felt)? Would you have been concerned like Nicki--or pumped about the turn of the century, like Isabel?
I feel I would have been like Isabel. I would've loved to be born early enough to experience the turn of the century--of the millennium! (I was born just barely afterwards, lol.) I also probably wouldn't have owned much technology or been that attached to it, so it wouldn't have mattered to me. (At Isabel and Nicki's age--and still now--it is reading I adore.) If it got really bad, I probably would have thought, Every problem has a solution and assumed technologists could fix it, still not paying much attention.
What about you? Were you, or would you have been, more like Isabel or Nicki?
I was 20 at the turn of the millennium. As far as the new year/millennium happening, I wasn't terribly excited. Not any more than any other new year, where sometimes I stay up, but mostly I don't. I wasn't a full bore the world is coming to an end and need to make a bunker kind of prepper, but I made sure that I had enough to get by for a month or so just in case the poop hit the fan. I like to take some responsibility for my survival, so maybe I'm more like Nicki. Some people were way over the top crazy, but there's nothing wrong with knowing that something can go wrong, so it needs to be addressed ahead of time. And the tech people did their job, and I'm glad that they pretty much caught all of the glitches. Here is a fun list of what didn't get caught.