*reads title*
Oh, it’s a quiz, isn’t it?
How easily do you trust people? A) Eh, it depends
B) I trust nobody
C) I fake-trust people so they listen to me *evil laugh*
D) Ew
Who‘s your fave character? A) Josh *sighs dreamily*
B) Uh...Lacy
C) Livia! I like to yell at her *more evil laughter*
D) Alia
What do you do to an enemy? A) Nothing. I run away. B) ATTACK
C) kidnap them
D) Drive ‘em off a cliff!
You run into Cassia. What do you do? A) Um...
B) Strike up a convo
C) Kidnap her
D) Kill her
What would you say about Mrs. Whitaker? A) She’s so nice! B) *starts crying*
C) I think I killed her...
D) I don’t know her
Shadow Creek is...
A) Horrifying...I should know...*shudders*
B) A good place to attack people
D) Hmm...hard to say...
Josh is...
A) dreamy *sighs again*
B) Mysterious
C) Dead to me
D) A stranger
What’s your fave pastime? A) Sitting outside at night
B) Researching my enemies’ weaknesses
C) Yelling at people
D) Drivin’ people off’a cliffs!
If you got mostly A’s you’re Cassia!
If you got mostly B’s, you’re Arianna!
If you got mostly C’s, you’re Joslyn!
If you got mostly D’s, you‘re Cal!
Who‘d you get?
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