ok so I recently watched lea’s movie, it was cute definitely not at all like her book 😅 but it was fun to watch
ive watched most of the historical movies my fav is probably molly‘s and close second is kit’s
So what’s y’all’s favorite Ag movie? I’m not sure which to watch next and I’d love to hear your opinions!! Also which do u prefer Goty or historical movies?
Girl of the year movies
Historical movies
My favorites are Saige and Grace’s movies. I haven’t seen any historical movies, so that’s why I had to vote for GOTY
I voted GOTY just because those are the only ones I've seen all of. I've never seen any historical movies.
I love the Grace movie. I also like the Isabelle movie. I didn't care for Chrissa or Saige, but they are certainly watchable. McKenna was ok. I haven't see the other GOTY movies. Molly is my favorite historical movie. Sam was ok, but veered drastically from the book, so meh. Felicity was good if you are into historical sets and clothing. I liked both of the Maryellen movies. I haven't seen the others.
I can't decide. We have historical movies at my house, but we borrow girl of the year from the library, and we love the songs in Grace. If you like dancy songs (I know that's not a word but it sounds cool) I would suggest Grace.