I was looking at the leaked photos of the new truly mes and looks like we are getting a doll with the Makena mold and at least two Joss molds and one of them looks a lot like Maritza. With both Maritza and Makena getting a twin I wonder if Ag will not only be retiring the old truly mes but also WBU on September 8th. Even if they don't retire them on the eighth it will most likely be very soon. What do you guys think?
- h a r t
I like the idea of having "friends" dolls that have story interactions, but their own character - I loved that Chrissa had 2 friends, and the historical friends were great. World by us had a pretty narrowly focused story/plot - which made it good for what it is, but I think it is a pretty complete bundle. I'd like to see AG do another complete set of friends like that with a different story/plot focus. Some stories really resonate with one group and not another, so a diversity of stories and experiences would be nice.