Yeah. This is a shoutout post to some very awesome AGClub members! Including @Admin/@Sydney, because SYDNEY IS AWESOME!
We’ll begin with @CapeCardamDolls. You have been kind and supportive all the way, especially to Jossia (yeah! Found a ship name!)
And next, @colorfulflower, another kind person and loving soul.
@Rainbow, I am flattered that you called me “one of the first and best friends you have made on this blog”. Right back at you (on the friend part) you are so kind!
@•Just•Isabella•And•Her•Dolls• Even though you just went through a time of admitting something hard, we still love you. And thanks for loving Train Yard (it wasn’t Evermore-level good, so thx for the support)
And, Lane, my guest-posting, fun-loving, crazy awesome little sister, Who has 5 dolls: Taryn, Luci, Joss, Emma, and April :)
I suggest you go follow these AH-MAAAA-ZING girls (not Lane, she doesn’t have an account) as soon as you finish reading this :)
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